PTSD treatment that is free and confidential.

We’re here to help.

What our participants are saying.

  • “I feel like a weight is off my shoulders. The difference of who I was and how my symptoms were coming up before treatment and after treatment were drastic.”

  • “[The treatment] was multifaceted in its approach so that it was really addressing more than just my symptoms. I felt as though my PTSD was being treated at the source; I was able to actually take chunks out of my trauma and be able to see it in a more manageable and approachable way.”

  • "[This treatment] changed my life because it gave me tools to help me in every area of my life."

  • "I'd never had any type of intensive therapy so I was really nervous going in to it, but then I realized how much I needed it and just how much you can get out of it."

  • "Everyone I worked with was super invested. You can tell right away that they really care and this is not just a job to them."

  • "[Treatment] gave me information to keep in my toolbox; information that can help me deal with stress, depression, anxiety, PTSD, whatever comes up. I can challenge those beliefs and see it from a different perspective."

Our Services

  • Trauma Treatment

    Because our research is trauma-treatment focused, care is free and you are helping pave the way to improve treatments for future generations.

  • Training

    We help postdoctoral fellows establish themselves as clinician-researchers through tailored training opportunities.